German-Romanian Business Conference in Berlin with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. speaker at 28-29 September

German-Romanian Business Conference in Berlin with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. speaker at 28-29 September STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. is pleased to announce our active participation in a premium German- Romanian Business Conference on 28 and 29.September in Berlin. Romania’s potential in the region is a well-known fact, which is currently boosted by the new geopolitical context. This business conference for the promotion of Romania as solid investment location aims to address the opportunities and cooperation areas that Romania has to offer, to strengthen economic and political partnerships and to increase German activities in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. During the first conference day, Romania will be looked at through the lens of its industrial capacity, including the innovation and digitization sector. Investors searching for new opportunities are attracted by the accelerated nearshoring trend, by the constantly improving infrastructure – transportation as well as digital -, backed up by the NATO and EU memberships. In this context, Christian Weident will lead a panel discussion on nearshoring and R&D in Romania. The second day will bring to the fore Romania’s competitiveness in terms of sustainable energy, energy production and food supply. Considering that both Romania and Moldova are major players in the agricultural sector, with high potential in the “Farm to Fork” segment, and that both hold an expanding portfolio of new energy projects, these areas allow for new cooperation and possibilities. This event offers a great platform for dialogue between the business environment and high-ranking Government representatives, while strengthening bilateral relations and creating new partnership opportunities. Around 300 guests from Germany, Romania and Moldova are expected, representing the business community as well as central and local public authorities. We would be delighted to meet you at the conference in Berlin. Please use this link to register. More details about the German-Romanian Business Conference are available here.


INVITATION - FOCUS ROMANIA: BUSINESS, INVESTMENTS AND EMPLOYMENT MARKET We are hereby inviting you to participate in the German spoken Online-Webinar “Focus Romania: Business, Investments and Employment Market”. Date:   Thursday, 23. September 2021 Time:              14:00 - 15:30 Uhr CET 15:00 – 16:30 Uhr Romanian time The Webinar will be held in German language. It is organized jointly by CT Executive Search, Elite Searchers and STALFORT.Legal.Tax.Audit with the support of AHK Romania. Topics and Speakers „Update DE-RO Business Relations – Developments and opportunities for German companies“ - Sebastian Metz, Managing Member of the Board of Directors within the German-Romanian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Bucharest „Trends on the Romanian Employment Market“ - Sorina Faier, Managing Partner, Elite Searchers, Bucharest “Executive Search in Romania” - Christian Tegethoff, Managing Director, CT Executive Search „Current Legal Developments in Romania“ - Christian Weident, Attorney at Law, Managing Partner Legal, and Adina Zdru, Tax Advisor, Managing Partner Tax, STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. „Retail & the Pandemic“ - Catalin Pozdarie, CEO Romania, Hervis Sports Further information can be found in the event program here: Please note that the attendance requires a pre-registration. In order to register, please click here. The event will be hosted on Zoom. This is how you will be able to attend the event: Click here Type in the Meeting-ID: 820 3755 8814 Password: Romania After the presentations, participants may further discuss the Webinar topics in a Q&A session. We are looking forward to welcoming you to our Webinar!

Speaker from STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. at the AHK online business trip “Energy infrastructure in cities” on April 20, 2021

Speaker from STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. at the AHK online business trip “Energy infrastructure in cities” on April 20, 2021 Laura Neacsu has provided insights on the regulatory framework of the energy infrastructure in Romanian cities and possible cooperation ways between German investors and Romanian public authorities and private bodies at the event “Energy infrastructure in cities“, organized by the Romanian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK Romania). The event took place between April 21-23, 2021 and was an initiative of the Romanian-German economic collaboration project. Its financing came from the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy in Germany within the “Energy Solutions made in Germany” program.  

#AHKCommunityTalk with Christian Weident on the subject of short-time work on April 15, 2021

#AHKCommunityTalk with Christian Weident on the subject of short-time work on April 15, 2021 we hereby invite you to an information event about short-time working (Kurzarbeit) in Romania. The introduction of short-time work in Romania was the result of a lengthy process in which Christian Weident was involved from the very beginning on behalf of STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. After the regulations became complicated and unattractive in December 2020 as a result of unfortunate developments in legislation, discussions were resumed at the beginning of the year. Christian Weident will present their positive result on 15.04.2021 between 15:00 and 16:30 and will discuss them together with other members of the German Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK). Participation in the German-language event takes place at the invitation of the AHK; however, we are happy to organize the participation of clients and business partners. Feel free to contact us for this scope.

STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. participation at the event of the German consortium Power4remote - Electrification of the Apuseni villages on March 2, 2021

STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. participation at the event of the German consortium Power4remote - Electrification of the Apuseni villages on March 2, 2021 In 2019, AHK Romania initiated the formation of a consortium of German companies to find, together with Romanian companies and interested local authorities, efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly technical solutions to bring electricity to the remote villages from the Apuseni region and not only. From its earliest beginnings, STALFORT.Legal.Tax.Audit has accompanied and assisted the project funded by the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy (BMWi) and AHK Romania with legal input. During an online event dedicated to the presentation of the German consortium on March 2, 2021, Laura Neacsu has introduced the attendants to the Romanian regulatory framework and possible structures of microgrids and off grid production as well as consumption places.

"Teleworking & Work from Home" powered by STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. on 19.11.2020

"Teleworking & Work from Home" powered by STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. on 19.11.2020 On 19.11.2020, 15:00 Romanian time, Christian Weident will lead an  online information event in German, on “Teleworking & Work from Home as part of the "AHK- Community Talks". Teleworking has become a well-known term in Romania since the outbreak of the coronavirus . Not only is teleworking regulated in its own law, it has also been the subject of more government action in the fight against the pandemic. The following important questions will be discussed both in general and in the context of the current lockdown measures:    1. How is teleworking regulated? How does it differ from “working from home”, and what is its significance in the working environment?    2. How is teleworking implemented? What paperwork and preparations are required?    3. How is the state aid for teleworking regulated?    4. What can be expected in the future and what do we expect from the legislators? A link to the event can be found here.

STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. at econet- Symposium on "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Public Buildings"

STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. at econet- Symposium on "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Public Buildings" An online symposium on "Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Public Buildings", organized by the econet platform of AHK Romania, will take place in Romania on 3rd of November 2020. The event is part of a German/ Romanian cooperation project and it’s aimed at Romanian and German companies interested in the development of bilateral economic relations in the field of energy efficiency of buildings. The goal of the event is to establish bilateral business relations and partnership between companies from the two countries which are active in the energy industry, as well as to promote German systems and products in this area on site. Laura Neacsu of STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. will give a presentation on the legal framework related to energy efficiency in public buildings. The agenda of the event and further information about the German companies can be found here.

Christian Weident leads breakout room discussion at Romanian Business Leaders conference

Christian Weident leads breakout room discussion at Romanian Business Leaders conference From the 27th to the 29th of October, the National Conference of the “Romanian Business Leaders” (RBL) will take place. RBL is a community of leading entrepreneurs and managers from Romania who pursue the common good beyond the interests of their companies, industries or sectors. The topic of this year's event is "Anti-fragility in a world full of crises". In various panels, issues of substantial interest to the economy will be discussed. During this event, Christian Weident will lead a breakout-room session with entrepreneurs on Oct. 28th on the question: "What legislative measures of labour law against crises do companies want?" The discussion takes place in Romanian and is reserved for members. A link to the event can be found here.

Invitation to Webinar | Short time work in Romania on 16.09.2020, at 18:00

Invitation to Webinar | Short time work in Romania on 16.09.2020, at 18:00  “Kurzarbeit” (short-time work) is a means of managing economic crises and preventing unemployment, which has been successfully used in many European countries. On the initiative of the business community (especially of the German one), Romania has now also introduced “Kurzarbeit”. RA Christian Weident of STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. was involved from the outset in the process of creating the new Romanian regulations. On 16.09.2020, the German Business Club North Transylvania (DWNT) organizes together with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. a webinar on "Kurzarbeit in Romania", which Mr Weident will lead in German and Romanian. During the event, we will discuss practical aspects of short-time work and explain pitfalls. The event will take place at 17:00 Romanian time in German and at 18:00 in Romanian. Registrations can be made here via the DWNT.  

Webinar | Focus Romania: the economy, investments and the labor market, with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit.

Webinar | Focus Romania: the economy, investments and the labor market, with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. On August 26th, 2020 CT Executive Search, Elite Searchers and STALFORT Legal.Tax.Audit. will be organizing a webinar in German language with the support of AHK Romania, to which we are happy to invite all interested parties. Topics and speakers “Introduction and overview” - Sebastian Metz, executive board member of the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bucharest „Pandemic and employment market “- Sorina Faier, Managing Partner Elite Searchers, Bukarest “Executive Search in Romania” - Christian Tegethoff, Managing Director CT Executive Search “Latest legal developments“ - Raluca Oprișiu, LL.M. Eur. Integration, Partner, STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. The webinar will take place on Wednesday, August 26th, 2020 at 14.00 – 15.30 German / Austrian time, i.e. 15.00 – 16.30 Romanian time. The event is hosted on Zoom. Please follow the steps below to participate: Click here Type the Meeting ID: 844 7823 2087 Enter the password: Romania After the lectures, there is an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the webinar topics. Please note that participation requires an advance registration.  -> Please click here to register for free. We look forward to your participation. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.