Presentation of the current public procurement framework by STALFORT at DWNT

> Presentation of the current public procurement framework by STALFORT at DWNT The next member gathering of the German Business Club North Transylvania (DWNT) is scheduled to take place on 05.12.2013 in Cluj-Napoca. Mrs. Andrada Haranguș, LL.M., attorney at law, shall hold a presentation in the name of the law firm STALFORT on the subject “Public procurement. News and practical aspects “. The law firm is particular active in this important field of law.

STALFORT presents the current legislation on public procurement law at DWNT

STALFORT presents the current legislation on public procurement law at DWNT On 05.12.2013 the members of the German Business Club North Transylvania (DWNT) will organize their next meeting in Cluj-Napoca. On behalf of STALFORT Mrs. Andrada Harangus, LL.M, attorney at law, will hold a presentation on the topic "Public procurement. News and practical aspects". The law firm has been particularly active in this area, which is currently of major importance.

Three presentations from STALFORT at the RENEXPO-exposition in Bucharest

Three presentations from STALFORT at the RENEXPO-exposition in Bucharest In the period 20.-22.11.2013 Bucharest hosted the 6th edition of RENEXPO, the International Trade Fair for renewable energy and energy efficiency. STALFORT, which has been very active in this sector, has contributed with the following legal presentations on relevant topics: Andrada Harangus: Legal Framework for Photovoltaic Power Plants in Romania (5th International Conference - Solar Energy in Romania;); Dr. Raluca Oprisiu: Current legal conditions for Biomass Projects in Romania (6th International Conference  - Biomass in Romania;); Andrada Harangus: Legal Framework for Small Hydropower Plant Projects and Current Legal issues (6th International Conference - Small Hydropower Plants in Romania).

Podium discussion on SME-funding with Mr. Christian Weident, attorney at law, at the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) on 07.05.2013

Podium discussion on SME-funding with Mr. Christian Weident, attorney at law, at the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) on 07.05.2013 During the members meeting of the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 07.05.2013 a podium discussion on the topic "Legislation and funding of SME" was held. The State Secretary competent in this field, Mrs. Anca Laura Ionescu, Mr. Dragos Anastasiu, Mr. Daniel Metz and Mr. Christian Weident, attorney at law for STALFORT, participated in the discussion. The subject of the discussion was old and new legislative plans for funding small and medium size enterprises ("SME") in Romania. Mr. Weident presented the so called "Small Business Act", a document of the European Commission regulating the harmonized and efficient funding of SME in the entire European arena, which has not yet been transposed into the local legislation by Romania, and proposed at the same time legal and tax measures for its implementation. Photo: Valeriu Pana

"Renewable Energy and Environmental Investment in Romania" in the Reichstag in Berlin on 12.04.2013

"Renewable Energy and Environmental Investment in Romania" in the Reichstag in Berlin on 12.04.2013 On April 12, 2013, the German-Romanian Chamber of Industry and Commerce organizes, for the fourth time in a row, the Renewable Energy and Environmental Investment Forum in the building of the Reichstag in Berlin in cooperation and with support of our law firm. Main topics of the forum are the economic and legal aspects of the Romanian market for renewable energy and environmental technology. All law lectures of the conference are hold by STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit.. Last year, the expert forum has brought together around 180 German and Romanian decision-makers from politics and business. The feedback on the event was excellent and comprehensible Follow-up projects are under construction or have been implemented. Therefore, and because the Romanian funding legislation has now fully come into force, but the new Romanian government seems to be considering changes, the event will take place this year, involving further multipliers and representatives from politics and business. The STALFORT office will organize a specialized seminar on 07.03.2013 at the German-Romanian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK) in order to explain the kind of principles the civil procedure brings, the changes and the effects implied and the time at which it will come into force.

Business forum "Renewable energies and environmental investments in Romania" in the German Parliament house in Berlin on 12.04.2013 with three legal presentations by STALFORT

> Business forum "Renewable energies and environmental investments in Romania" in the German Parliament house in Berlin on 12.04.2013 with three legal presentations by STALFORT For the fourth consecutive year the conference "Renewable energies and environmental investments in Romania" organized on April 12th by the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation and with the support of the law firm STALFORT in the German Parliament house in Berlin was a big success. The event was organized under the patronage of the German Ministry for Economy and Technology (BMWi). Over 130 German and Romanian representatives from the field of politics, law and economy were present at the event, among which Mr. Gunther Krichbaum, MdB and Chairman of the Commission for EU Affairs of the German Parliament, Mr. Stefan Kapferer, State Secretary of the German Ministry for Economy and Technology, Mr. Lazar Comanescu, Romanian Ambassador in the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Maricel Popa, State Secretary in the Romanian Ministry of Economy and Mr. Nicolae Havrilet, President of the Romanian regulatory authority ANRE. Three attorneys at law held presentations on legal topics on behalf of the law firm STALFORT. There is concern on the Romanian market for renewable energies. Following the recent overcompensation report of the regulatory authority ANRE the number of green certificates for certain RES-technologies will most likely be reduced. The date as of which such reduction shall be applied is unknown at present time. The draft of a Government Emergency Ordinance (GEO), which foresees among others measures such as deferring the granting of green certificates until 2017 or limiting accreditations, contributes even more to the uncertainty concerning the strength and durability of the Romanian incentive scheme for production of energy from renewable sources. The conference provided also this year the framework for initiating new cooperation and starting specific follow-up projects. The feedback received so far was very positive. We conclude in the end that a medium and long-term development strategy is necessary, which should take into account the interests of all participants (producers, suppliers, consumers and investors).

„Renewable energies in Romania“ on 22.03.13 at the L-Bank in Stuttgart

> „Renewable energies in Romania“ on 22.03.13 at the L-Bank in Stuttgart The Honorary Consul for Romania in Baden-Württemberg and the Romanian Liaison Office of the L-Bank Stuttgart invite you to participate on Friday, March 22nd 2013, at 9.30 a.m. at the business forum "Renewable energies in Romania – legal and commercial framework". There is still a significant backlog in the field of renewable energies in Romanian and this in spite of the favourable climatic conditions and high energy potential (especially for wind and photovoltaic energy and biomass in connection with agriculture). The country cannot stand up alone for the large investment volume required for implementing the European energy targets, which thus leaves room and a very profitable market for industrial companies. The business forum also aims to give participants the chance to exchange information and experience and to bring together partners from the fields of politics, administration and companies from Baden-Württemberg.

Rule of law and legal security in Romania on 20.03.13 in Berlin

> Rule of law and legal security in Romania on 20.03.13 in Berlin A meeting of the registered association German-Romanian Company (Deutsch-Rumänische Gesellschaft e.V.) shall take place Wednesday, March 20th 2013, at 7 p.m in “Leonhardt“ (Stuttgarter Platz 21/Leonhardtstrasse, 10627 B-Charlottenburg).

Seminar on the new Romanian civil procedure taking place at the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 07.03.2013

> Seminar on the new Romanian civil procedure taking place at the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on 07.03.2013 On 15.02.2013, the new Romanian civil procedure (Codul de Procedura Civila) comes into force. It forms integral part of an intensive reformation process which began with the implementation of a new civil code and which changes radically the existing system of civil and enforcement procedures. The main idea consists of making the procedures faster and more efficient. Because of the existing problems regarding the infrastructure and the personnel, it has been long discussed the time and the extent to which the civil procedure will come into force. It was only in the last minute, as they say, that the issue was regulated; the consequence a softened but practical version.

Lecture on the new Romanian Code of Civil Procedure at the German Business Club Transylvania on 20.02.2013

> Lecture on the new Romanian Code of Civil Procedure at the German Business Club Transylvania on 20.02.2013 On Wednesday, February 20, 2013, a member meeting of the German Business Club Transylvania ("DWS") will take place at 7:30 pm in the "Centrul de Afaceri Sibiu" (St. Nicolaus Olahus No. 5, Corp. B, 550370 Sibiu, Romania). Av. (Lawyer) Mihail Macovei will contribute a lecture in German language to the "new Code of Civil Procedure". The Act, which comes into force on 15.02.2013, fundamentally changes Romania's rules on litigation and foreclosure and is of major interest to every participant in legal and commercial matters.