Business forum “Renewable energies and environmental investments in Romania” in the German Parliament house in Berlin on 12.04.2013 with three legal presentations by STALFORT

> Business forum “Renewable energies and environmental investments in Romania” in the German Parliament house in Berlin on 12.04.2013 with three legal presentations by STALFORT

For the fourth consecutive year the conference “Renewable energies and environmental investments in Romania” organized on April 12th by the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in cooperation and with the support of the law firm STALFORT in the German Parliament house in Berlin was a big success. The event was organized under the patronage of the German Ministry for Economy and Technology (BMWi).

Over 130 German and Romanian representatives from the field of politics, law and economy were present at the event, among which Mr. Gunther Krichbaum, MdB and Chairman of the Commission for EU Affairs of the German Parliament, Mr. Stefan Kapferer, State Secretary of the German Ministry for Economy and Technology, Mr. Lazar Comanescu, Romanian Ambassador in the Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Maricel Popa, State Secretary in the Romanian Ministry of Economy and Mr. Nicolae Havrilet, President of the Romanian regulatory authority ANRE. Three attorneys at law held presentations on legal topics on behalf of the law firm STALFORT.

There is concern on the Romanian market for renewable energies. Following the recent overcompensation report of the regulatory authority ANRE the number of green certificates for certain RES-technologies will most likely be reduced. The date as of which such reduction shall be applied is unknown at present time. The draft of a Government Emergency Ordinance (GEO), which foresees among others measures such as deferring the granting of green certificates until 2017 or limiting accreditations, contributes even more to the uncertainty concerning the strength and durability of the Romanian incentive scheme for production of energy from renewable sources.

The conference provided also this year the framework for initiating new cooperation and starting specific follow-up projects. The feedback received so far was very positive. We conclude in the end that a medium and long-term development strategy is necessary, which should take into account the interests of all participants (producers, suppliers, consumers and investors).