„Renewable energies in Romania“ on 22.03.13 at the L-Bank in Stuttgart

> „Renewable energies in Romania“ on 22.03.13 at the L-Bank in Stuttgart

The Honorary Consul for Romania in Baden-Württemberg and the Romanian Liaison Office of the L-Bank Stuttgart invite you to participate on Friday, March 22nd 2013, at 9.30 a.m. at the business forum “Renewable energies in Romania – legal and commercial framework”.

There is still a significant backlog in the field of renewable energies in Romanian and this in spite of the favourable climatic conditions and high energy potential (especially for wind and photovoltaic energy and biomass in connection with agriculture). The country cannot stand up alone for the large investment volume required for implementing the European energy targets, which thus leaves room and a very profitable market for industrial companies.

The business forum also aims to give participants the chance to exchange information and experience and to bring together partners from the fields of politics, administration and companies from Baden-Württemberg.