NEWSFLASH - New classification of activities – “CAEN Rev. 3” requires actions by companies

On December 30, 2024, the Ministry of Justice introduced updates to the classification of economic activities, effective from January 1, 2025, in alignment with changes at the EU level. Consequently, all Romanian companies are required to update or adjust their object of activity to comply with the new CAEN Rev. 3 codes.

NEWSFLASH - New fiscal measures for 2025

The Year 2025 comes with a series of fiscal changes impacting taxpayers in Romania. Below is an overview of the most relevant aspects:    

NEWSFLASH - Minimum Wage Increase as of 1 January 2025

The Government Decision no.1506/2024 brings an increase of the minimum wage as of 1 January 2025. Key changes include:  

NEWSFLASH - Increase of the minimum statutory wage as of 1 July 2024

The Government Decision no.598/2024 brings an increase of the minimum salary for Romania as of 1 July 2024. Key changes include:    

NEWSFLASH - New regulations for reviewing investments from the EU in Romania

Starting from December 6, 2023, (also) investors from the EU are explicitly required to register direct investments in Romania and are prohibited from executing them prior to obtaining approval, if the investment

NEWSFLASH - Another massive fiscal measures package at the year‘s end

Shortly before the year’s end, Romania’s Government has adopted Emergency Ordinance 115/2023, with the scope to ensure Romania's long-term financial sustainability. The following key aspects should be mentioned:

NEWSFLASH - Extensive new obligations for employers to combat harassment at the workplace

On 17.10.2023, Government Decision no. 970/2023 (in short: "GD") on the Methodology for Preventing and Combating Gender-based and Moral Harassment at the Workplace (in short: "Methodology") was published in the Official Gazette of Romania. All employers in Romania must implement it by 16.04.2024.

NEWSFLASH - Extensive new obligations for employers

NEWSFLASH Employers must introduce new measures against harassment at work   On October 17th, 2023, the Methodology for Preventing and Combating Gender and Moral Harassment at the Workplace was published. All Romanian employers must implement it by 16. April 2024. The methodology contains a sample guide on preventing and combating harassment at work, as well as a series of obligations for the employer, which must be fulfilled in a short term. Key obligations for every employer: Creating its own guidelines for preventing and combating harassment at work, adapted to the specific situation of the employer; Introduction of an internal procedure for promotion, including for decision-making positions, which ensures equal opportunities and equal treatment; Annual training of employees on the provisions of the Methodology; Inclusion of the provisions of Emergency Ordinance No. 137/2000 on the prevention and sanctioning of all forms of discrimination and Law no. 202/2002 on equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men in the internal regulations; and others. Sanctions Employer’s failure to prevent and combat harassment at work may trigger substantial fines ranging between 30,000 RON (EUR 6,000) and 200,000 RON (i.e. approx. EUR 40,000). Further details on this topic are available in our current publication under the following link: here. In case of questions, do not hesitate to contact us. Kind regards, THE STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. – Team

NEWSFLASH - Extensive New Fiscal Measures Package in Romania

On 27.10.2023, Romania has introduced a comprehensive set of tax measures in order to ensure its long-term financial sustainability.   Key takeaways:   Introduction of minimum or additional turnover tax for CIT payers with quarterly payment starting 2024:   1% minimum turnover tax (MTT) compared to Corporate Income Tax (CIT) for companies with a turnover over EUR 50Mil. 2% in addition to CIT for credit institutions and 5% in addition to CIT for energy companies to be established by the Ministry of Finance with a turnover over EUR 50Mil.

German-Romanian Business Conference in Berlin with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. speaker at 28-29 September

German-Romanian Business Conference in Berlin with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. speaker at 28-29 September STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. is pleased to announce our active participation in a premium German- Romanian Business Conference on 28 and 29.September in Berlin. Romania’s potential in the region is a well-known fact, which is currently boosted by the new geopolitical context. This business conference for the promotion of Romania as solid investment location aims to address the opportunities and cooperation areas that Romania has to offer, to strengthen economic and political partnerships and to increase German activities in Romania and the Republic of Moldova. During the first conference day, Romania will be looked at through the lens of its industrial capacity, including the innovation and digitization sector. Investors searching for new opportunities are attracted by the accelerated nearshoring trend, by the constantly improving infrastructure – transportation as well as digital -, backed up by the NATO and EU memberships. In this context, Christian Weident will lead a panel discussion on nearshoring and R&D in Romania. The second day will bring to the fore Romania’s competitiveness in terms of sustainable energy, energy production and food supply. Considering that both Romania and Moldova are major players in the agricultural sector, with high potential in the “Farm to Fork” segment, and that both hold an expanding portfolio of new energy projects, these areas allow for new cooperation and possibilities. This event offers a great platform for dialogue between the business environment and high-ranking Government representatives, while strengthening bilateral relations and creating new partnership opportunities. Around 300 guests from Germany, Romania and Moldova are expected, representing the business community as well as central and local public authorities. We would be delighted to meet you at the conference in Berlin. Please use this link to register. More details about the German-Romanian Business Conference are available here.