Offshore-Law – new opportunities in sight?
On 17 November 2018, the controversial so-called offshore law came into effect after it was highly debated.
Taxes and Finance: the usual changes at the end of the year
As usual at the end of the year, the Romanian Financial Administration is working intensely on regulatory changes in the finance and tax field. We will discuss below some of those changes – although they will probably not be the last this year.
Extension of investments at AHK the regional event in Brasov on 27.11.2018
This year’s last regional event of the AHK , the German- Romanian Chamber of Commerce, will take place on 27.11.2018 in Brasov, one of the hot spots of the Romanian economy.
Dr. Raluca Oprisiu to hold speech on the extension of investments at AHK regional event in Brasov on 27.11.2018
Dr. Raluca Oprisiu to hold speech on the extension of investments at AHK regional event in Brasov on 27.11.2018 This year’s last regional event of the AHK , the German- Romanian Chamber of Commerce, will take place on 27.11.2018 in Brasov, one of the hot spots of the Romanian economy. Dr. Raluca Oprisiu will contribute a speech in Romanian language on the extension of investments (a current topic), shedding light on the aspects which are relevant in practice in these cases. The event begins at 18:00 h in the Kronwell hotel. For details of the event and registration, you can access the following link.
Dr. Raluca Oprisiu to hold speech on the extension of investments at AHK regional event in Brasov on 27.11.2018
> Dr. Raluca Oprisiu to hold speech on the extension of investments at AHK regional event in Brasov on 27.11.2018 This year’s last regional event of the AHK , the German- Romanian Chamber of Commerce, will take place on 27.11.2018 in Brasov, one of the hot spots of the Romanian economy. Dr. Raluca Oprisiu will contribute a speech in Romanian language on the extension of investments (a current topic), shedding light on the aspects which are relevant in practice in these cases. The event begins at 18:00 h in the Kronwell hotel. For details of the event and registration, you can access the following link.
Legal effects of digitalization, a Romanian – German comparison
Article following the lecture by Carmen Lupsan at Workshop on the European Information Law in Cluj
Veronica Visinescu analyses legal changes in the Romanian magazine for procurement law
Veronica Visinescu analyses legal changes in the Romanian magazine for procurement law The latest edition of the Romanian magazine for public procurement law (revista de achizitii publice) contains an article by Veronica Vişinescu, Avocat (attorney at law RO) and responsible for the procurement practice within STALFORT. The article analyses the latest modifications of the Romanian procurement law and describes the conflict between the partially contradictory purposes of the law, which aims at speeding up processes on the one hand and at increasing quality on the other hand. Please find the article in Romanian language here; you can visit the magazines website under following link.
Legal changes in the Romanian magazine for procurement law
Veronica Visinescu analyses legal changes in the Romanian magazine for procurement law.
Wrongful trading in Europe
Mihai Lanţoş looks into Western, Central and Eastern European directors’ liability systems whilst they also prepare for a new EU Directive on insolvency.
Article by Mihai Lanţoş comparing insolvency legislation in several countries published
Article by Mihai Lanţoş comparing insolvency legislation in several countries published Mihai Lanţoş has recently published a short article describing the liability of a company‘s directors in case of insolvency under three jurisdictions in the latest issue of “Eurofenix”. Eurofenix is a journal published quarterly by INSOL Europe, the European organization of professionals who specialize in insolvency, business reconstruction and recovery. Mihai Lanţoş, a Romanian attorney at law and insolvency practitioner, is the newest member of the STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. team and responsible especially for insolvency issues. Please find the article in English here.