Extensive Update On Legislation Held By Christian Weident, Attn. At Law, On June 28th 2011 at IHK Duisburg

> Extensive Update On Legislation Held By Christian Weident, Attn. At Law, On June 28th 2011 at IHK Duisburg On June 28th, 2011, the Chamber of Industry of the Lower Rhine Region in Duisburg, Germany, organized the Economic Forum on Romania. Mr. Christian Weident, attn. at law, held a lecture on "Romania - Update on Law" over one and a half hours, providing the audience an overview over the numerous recent changes in Romanian legislation. The main fields approached were corporation law, labour law, civil law, commercial law, and public procurement law, choosing the right business partner and more. The lecture focused especially on the recent developments in and on the future of renewable energies, public procurement legislation and pub-private partnerships. Among the audience members was also Dr. Vlad Vasiliu, Romanian Head of Mission in Bonn.

Mr. Christian Weident, Attn. At Law, Discussed On June 21st, 2011, About The Romanian Labour Market, Together With The Labour Minister

> Mr. Christian Weident, Attn. At Law, Discussed On June 21st, 2011, About The Romanian Labour Market, Together With The Labour Minister Mr. Christian Weident, attn. at law, and the recently appointed Labour Minister Sebastian Lazaroiu commented on June 21st, 2011 on "Romanian Labour Market: Competition. Efficiency, Legality", during a public debate. The event was organized by the Romanian Christian Democratic Foundation (FC-D) in collaboration with the Bucharest branch of the German Hanns Seidel Foundation. The partners of the event were the Romanian state television TVR1 and the economic daily Ziarul Financiar. Both media partners covered the event extensively. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Teodor Baconschi, also president of FC-D, moderated the debate. During the event, Mr. Christian Weident, attn. at law, presented particularly the current legal circumstances from the point of view of foreign investors.

Conference On Renewable Energies In The Berlin Reichstag

> Conference On Renewable Energies In The Berlin Reichstag More than 160 guests attended the presentations on the very up to date topic of "Renewable Energies" on April 8th, 2011 in the conference hall of the CDU/CSU faction in the German Reichstag in Berlin. speakers were among others Mr. Gunther Krichbaum, member of the Parliament and chairman of the Committee for Matters of the European Union at the Deutscher Bundestag, the Romanian Ambassador in Germany, HE Mr. Lazar Comanescu, and Prof. Dr. Rainer Lindner, managing director of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations. Mr. Cristian Apostol, Secretary of State at the Romanian Ministry for Environment and Forests, spoke about "Chances for Foreign Investors". Mr. Marko Walde, managing director of the German-Romanian Chamber for Industry and Commerce presented an overview over the Romanian green-tech market. Presentations of representatives of the conference's partner UniCredit covered the topic of funding such investments, and practical lectures completed the conference day.

Mr. Christian Weident, Attn. At Law, Analyzed The Changes in Labor Law At The Member's Meeting Of The AHK

> Mr. Christian Weident, Attn. At Law, Analyzed The Changes in Labor Law At The Member's Meeting Of The AHK Mr. Christian Weident, attn. at law, presented the substantial changes of the labor legislation in front of more than 100 guests from business and politics during a panel discussion within the member's meeting of the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on April 5th, 2011. Following a presentation by Nicolae Ivaschescu, state secretary in the Romanian Ministry of Labor, Mr. Christian Weident, attn. at law, answered the questions of the interested guests regarding the Labor Code, that had been signed by the president and therefore shall come into effect on April 30th, 2011. Mr. Weident had submitted on behalf of the law firm, in early summer 2010, upon request of the German-Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK) and the Presidential Office a series of suggestions regarding the flexibility of the labor legislation. We are pleased, that almost half of these proposals have been included in the law amending the Labor Code.