Extensive Update On Legislation Held By Christian Weident, Attn. At Law, On June 28th 2011 at IHK Duisburg

> Extensive Update On Legislation Held By Christian Weident, Attn. At Law, On June 28th 2011 at IHK Duisburg

On June 28th, 2011, the Chamber of Industry of the Lower Rhine Region in Duisburg, Germany, organized the Economic Forum on Romania. Mr. Christian Weident, attn. at law, held a lecture on “Romania – Update on Law” over one and a half hours, providing the audience an overview over the numerous recent changes in Romanian legislation. The main fields approached were corporation law, labour law, civil law, commercial law, and public procurement law, choosing the right business partner and more. The lecture focused especially on the recent developments in and on the future of renewable energies, public procurement legislation and pub-private partnerships. Among the audience members was also Dr. Vlad Vasiliu, Romanian Head of Mission in Bonn.