Symposium "German solutions for the Romanian food industry" with speech from STALFORT on November 22nd 2016
Symposium "German solutions for the Romanian food industry" with speech from STALFORT on November 22nd 2016 Between November 21st and 24th 2016, "German solutions for the Romanian food industry", a business matchmaking event organized by the German - Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry on behalf of the German Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy, will take place. On November 22nd, the event will host the symposium "German solutions for the Romanian food industry". On behalf of STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. , Christian Weident, attorney at law and Manging Partner, will contribute with a speech regarding "Food Industry-a legal review and outlook", in which he will shed light on the current and future developments in the relevant legislation. Please contact the AHK for registrations.
STALFORT presentation at the AHK regional event in Satu Mare on 27.10.2016
STALFORT presentation at the AHK regional event in Satu Mare on 27.10.2016 On 27 October 2016, 18:00, the Romanian - German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Romania) is organizing an information and networking event with several presentations in Satu Mare. The welcoming speech to this event will be held by H.E. Werner Hans Lauk, ambassador of Germany. Peter Schnabl, auditor and tax consultant with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. will report on "Tax news". He will discuss changes occurred in tax legislation during 2016 and give an outlook on 2017. Please contact the AHK for registrations.
Legal literature on real estate financing and loan securities contains country report by STALFORT
Legal literature on real estate financing and loan securities contains country report by STALFORT In October 2016, the German publishing house Fritz Knapp published the German handbook "Real Estate Financing and Loan Securities in Selected European Countries", a reference work developed in practice for the use in practice. Created by German speaking lawyers established in 19 different countries, the publication is addressed to German speaking banks and real estate investors which are active in other European real estate markets. The book was realised on the initiative of Cross Border Business Lawyers ("CBBL"), the worldwide network of German speaking law firms. On behalf of STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. , which is the exclusive partner of CBBL in Romania, the lawyers Oana Somesan, Andrada Harangus, Carmen Radulescu and Mihail Macovei have prepared the country report for Romania. Please find the CBBL press release, containing also a link to the book presentation on the publisher's website, here You can find further information on CBBL,here
STALFORT Article on Whistleblowing published in "Compliance - Berater" magazine.
STALFORT Article on Whistleblowing published in "Compliance - Berater" magazine. In Juli 2016, the Compliance Center at the European University Viadrina and Compliance Academy have commonly organized the fourth edition of the "Viadrina Compliance Congress". Dr. Raluca Oprisiu from STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. has actively participated in this event and held a speech regarding current Romanian compliance issues. Subsequent to this very successful event which aims at stimulating a European dialogue on compliance, an English compendium under the motto "Compliance Across Europe" has been published in a supplement to edition no. 1-2 of the magazine "Compliance- Berater". Dr. Raluca Oprisiu has contributed an article entitled "Romanian Whistleblowing Regulations: From Exemplary to Incomplete" to this publication. You can access the publication in German here
IV. Viadrina Compliance Congress in Frankfurt/ Oder on the 6th and 7th of July 2016 with the participation of STALFORT
IV. Viadrina Compliance Congress in Frankfurt/ Oder on the 6th and 7th of July 2016 with the participation of STALFORT The Viadrina Compliance Center (VCC) of the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) is dedicated to the critical scientific examination of compliance in Germany, but also beyond its geographic borders. On the July 6th 7th 2016, the VCC organizes the IVth edition of the annual Viadrina Compliance Congress, in cooperation with the Compliance Academy. With this year,s motto being "Compliance across Europe", the event is dedicated to the European developments in the field of Cross-border Compliance. High level representatives in the field of science and economy will discuss sdubjects like compliance culture, fight against corruption and more. Attorney at Law Dr. Raluca Isabela Oprisiu from STALFORT will participate in the stage discussions related to "Cross Boarder Internal Investigation". The event will take place in English language in the Europe- University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder).You can find the event note of the VCC and the programme of the event (in English) here
Peter Schnabl elected new censor of AHK Romania
Peter Schnabl elected new censor of AHK Romania The German-Romanian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Romania) is the officially recognized membership organization promoting trade and investment between Romania and Germany; it is the central player of German-Romanian economic relations and is actively working on their enhancements. On the occasion of this year's annual general meeting of members in June 2016, WP/StB Peter Schnabl, Managing Partner Tax and Accounting Services with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. was elected as new member of the censors' committee of AHK Romania.
STALFORT- presentation at IFAT in München on 31. May
> STALFORT- presentation at IFAT in München on 31. May Between May 30th and June 3rd 2016, IFAT, the world’s leading trade fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, will take place in München. Last year, the fair brought together approx. 3.081 exhibitors from 50 different countries, with a total of 135.000 visitors from 70 different countries during the 4 days. On this occasion, between April 30th and May 2nd, the German- Romanian Chamber of Commerce (AHK) organizes a four day purchase travel from Romania to IFAT within the framework of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy (BMWi). The program includes the participation to an information session, organized with the support of the network German Water Partnership, visits to several flagship projects in Bavaria (Augsburg, Ingolstadt, München) and to exhibitors from the Water Industry, as well as individual conversations accompanied by German specialists. Within the information session on May 31st, Christian Weident, attorney at law with STALFORT, will deliver a speech regarding “Economic and legal framework conditions in Romania”.
STALFORT- presentation at IFAT in München on 31. May
STALFORT- presentation at IFAT in München on 31. May Between May 30th and June 3rd 2016, IFAT, the world's leading trade fair for Water, Sewage, Waste and Raw Materials Management, will take place in München. Last year, the fair brought together approx. 3.081 exhibitors from 50 different countries, with a total of 135.000 visitors from 70 different countries during the 4 days. On this occasion, between April 30th and May 2nd, the German- Romanian Chamber of Commerce (AHK) organizes a four day purchase travel from Romania to IFAT within the framework of a project funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy (BMWi). The program includes the participation to an information session, organized with the support of the network German Water Partnership, visits to several flagship projects in Bavaria (Augsburg, Ingolstadt, München) and to exhibitors from the Water Industry, as well as individual conversations accompanied by German specialists. Within the information session on May 31st, Christian Weident, attorney at law with STALFORT, will deliver a speech regarding "Economic and legal framework conditions in Romania". You can find the event note of the AHK here and the programme of the event here
CBBL- Forum Foreign Law on 19.05.2016 in Berlin with lecture by STALFORT
> CBBL- Forum Foreign Law on 19.05.2016 in Berlin with lecture by STALFORT Cross Border Business Lawyers (CBBL,, the law firm network STALFORT has been a long-term member of, is organizing the annual “Forum for foreign law” on May 19th in Berlin. This year, the motto of the event, which will host top class participants, is “M&A, Taxes and Compliance in Eastern Europe”. On behalf of STALFORT, Mag. Peter Schnabl will hold a presentation concerning the taxation of companies in Romania. CBBL is the only worldwide network of selected German speaking corporate law firms specialized in the assistance of German speaking companies in the international business. It comprises one partner law firm/ cooperation partner for each of 52 different countries. In Romania, CBBL is represented by STALFORT Legal.Tax.Audit. We would take pleasure in an active participation at the event. Clients and partners may book their participation at the event through STALFORT at preferential conditions.
CBBL- Forum Foreign Law on 19.05.2016 in Berlin with lecture by STALFORT
CBBL- Forum Foreign Law on 19.05.2016 in Berlin with lecture by STALFORT Cross Border Business Lawyers (CBBL,, the law firm network STALFORT has been a long-term member of, is organizing the annual "Forum for foreign law" on May 19th in Berlin. This year, the motto of the event, which will host top class participants, is "M&A, Taxes and Compliance in Eastern Europe". On behalf of STALFORT, Mag. Peter Schnabl will hold a presentation concerning the taxation of companies in Romania. CBBL is the only worldwide network of selected German speaking corporate law firms specialized in the assistance of German speaking companies in the international business. It comprises one partner law firm/ cooperation partner for each of 52 different countries. In Romania, CBBL is represented by STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. We would take pleasure in an active participation at the event. Clients and partners may book their participation at the event through STALFORT at preferential conditions. You can find the presentation of the event here and the forms for registering through our law firm here.