STALFORT represented in the international CEE Tax Group
STALFORT represented in the international CEE Tax Group LeitnerLeitner, one of the leading tax consultancy and audit firms in the Austrian and Eastern European arena, has launched the international working group „CEE Tax Group“. The group aims at ensuring international cooperation in tax law matters, improving the cross-border understanding of these issues, expanding the know-how and consequently providing added value for clients. STALFORT, the exclusive partner of LeitnerLeitner in Romania, was represented by Mrs. Adina Zdru at the first successful event organized by this group on 05.12.2014.
BME publishes an overview of the Romanian purchasing law written by STALFORT
BME publishes an overview of the Romanian purchasing law written by STALFORT The German Association Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics e.V. (BME) is editor of the series "Global purchasing - An overview of the purchasing law". In July 2014, a country report on Romania written by Dr. Raluca-Isabela Oprisiu, attorney at law and head of STALFORT’s Sibiu office, has been published. The paper provides an overview of specific legal issues including legal system, accession to the CISG, enforcement agreements, mandatory law and freedom of contract, general terms and conditions, delivery time (delay, damages), warranty, liability, intellectual property, ownership rights (tools, materials provided), place of fulfilment, Incoterms, jurisdiction and arbitration as well as insolvency law. The full text of the country report in German language can be found here.
Dr. Raluca Oprisiu, attorney at law, informs on obstacles for renewable energies as part of the project „Keep on Track“
Dr. Raluca Oprisiu, attorney at law, informs on obstacles for renewable energies as part of the project „Keep on Track“ The project "Keep on Track" ordered by the European Commission aims at helping the EU member states to reach their development targets until 2020. It started in 2012 and provides recent market data as well as an analysis of the obstacles for the development of the renewable energies sector with the final goal of recommending suitable approaches in this field. Country reports shall be drafted in order to depict the obstacles for the expansion of renewable energies in each member state. Mrs. Raluca Oprisiu, attorney at law for STALFORT, contributed to putting together the perspective on Romania for 2013/2014 from a legal viewpoint. The publishing can be accessed here.
STALFORT provides opportunities for German “trainee lawyers” (Rechtsreferendare)
STALFORT provides opportunities for German “trainee lawyers” (Rechtsreferendare) The law firm STALFORT offers interested German „trainee lawyers“ the opportunity to perform part of their education (elective practical stage) in the Bucharest office of the company. Together with further members of the international network CBBL, to which STALFORT belongs, the law firm is registered on the list of the foreign training law firms (Anwaltsblatt). For details please see: Contact person is Mr. Christian Weident, attorney at law DE.
Law Update at the Federation of Business Associations NRW on 24.02.2014 in Düsseldorf
> Law Update at the Federation of Business Associations NRW on 24.02.2014 in Düsseldorf „unternehmer nrw“ (Landesvereinigung der Unternehmensverbände NRW) is organizing on 24.02.2014 in Düsseldorf a state workshop for Romania. Mr. Christian Weident, attorney at law for STALFORT, will hold an exclusive presentation on legal issues for Romania. His presentation entitled „Update on Romanian law - general and labour law framework conditions“ will focus on recent legal developments with practical implications as well as on an overview of the labour law in Romania, as extensively amended in 2011.
Mr. Christian Weident, attorney at law, holds legal presentation on 24.02.2014 in Düsseldorf at „unternehmer nrw“
Mr. Christian Weident, attorney at law, holds legal presentation on 24.02.2014 in Düsseldorf at „unternehmer nrw“ „unternehmer nrw“, the Federation of Business Associations from Nordrhein-Westfallen (Landesvereinigung der Unternehmensverbände NRW) is organizing on 24.02.2014 in Düsseldorf a state workshop for Romania. Mr. Christian Weident, attorney at law for STALFORT, will hold an exclusive presentation on legal issues for Romania. His lecture entitled „Update on Romanian law - general and labour law framework conditions“ will focus on recent legal developments with practical implications as well as on an overview of the labour law in Romania, as severely amended in 2011.
Presentation of Dr. Raluca Oprisiu on public procurement law
> Presentation of Dr. Raluca Oprisiu on public procurement law Dr. Raluca Oprișiu, attorney at law, will hold a presentation on the recent amendments and relevant practical implications of the public procurement law on 15.01.2014 at the German Business Club Transylvania (DWS). Mrs. Andrada Haranguș, attorney at law, has already lectured on this important legal field in December at the DWNT meeting in Cluj-Napoca. The law firm has been particularly active in the last years in this field of law.
Dr. Raluca Oprisiu lectures on public procurement law at beginning of the year
Dr. Raluca Oprisiu lectures on public procurement law at beginning of the year Dr. Raluca Oprisiu, attorney at law, will hold a presentation on the recent amendments and relevant practical implications of the public procurement law on 15.01.2014 at the German Business Club Transylvania (DWS). Mrs. Andrada Harangus, attorney at law, has already lectured on this important legal field at the DWNT meeting in Cluj-Napoca. The law firm is currently particularly active in this field of law.
STALFORT enters into exclusive partnership with LeitnerLeitner
STALFORT enters into exclusive partnership with LeitnerLeitner As of 01.01.2014 STALFORT. Legal. Tax. Audit. has begun an exclusive cooperation with LeitnerLeitner, one of the most influential tax consulting and auditing companies in Central and Eastern Europe. We are happy about the collaboration with LeitnerLeitner, which opens up new possibilities for providing our clients with cross-border services involving other countries in Central and Eastern Europe. If you would like to learn more about this cooperation, please contact Mrs. Cristiana Stalfort, Managing Partner, or visit