STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. to host round table discussion within “Cities of Tomorrow” on March 26th, 2019

STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. to host round table discussion within “Cities of Tomorrow” on March 26th, 2019

Construction law: building on public land and reduction of bureaucracy in the construction permit process 

On March 26th 2019, the seventh edition of the conference „Cities of Tomorrow“ will take place. The scope of this high- caliber event consists in connecting the business environment with local administration, architects, town planners, and representatives of the civil society.

In 2019, its motto is “Communities in Focus”. Its scope is to contribute to Romania’s competitiveness and to establish a basis for a sustainable development of cities and regions based on intelligent ideas. Top international guests will debate on these topics.

Cristiana Stalfort, managing partner and expert for real estate and construction law with STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit., will host a round table discussion on the Romanian construction legislation. We look forward to this very interesting event.

Please find an overview over the event here.

For registrations, please access the following link.