STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. prepares “Country Guidelines Romania” for Bayern Handwerk International
STALFORT Legal. Tax. Audit. prepares “Country Guidelines Romania” for Bayern Handwerk International
Bayern Handwerk International (BHI) is a company of the Bavarian Chamber of Crafts, which is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economy, Media, Energy, and Technology and offers support for Bavarian craftsmen’s businesses in market development and contract execution abroad. BHI in turn cooperates with the CBBL network, of which STALFORT is the exclusive member for Romania.
At the beginning of April BHI published the “Country Guidelines Romania”, which were written in their entirety by STALFORT.
The guidelines summarise the most important regulations and helpful checklists regarding foreign operations for craftsmen’s businesses. They clarify essential practice-oriented issues relating to doing business in Romania. Separate chapters are dedicated to Construction and Installation Works, Foreign Posting of Employees, Public Procurement, Tax Framework and Contract Design and Execution.
You can download the guidelines (in German) here as a PDF file or request them directly from BHI at